
Fix Your Posture and You Could Eliminate Back Pain

Apr 03, 2024
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Do you slouch when you stand? Are you looking down at your computer screen when you work? Your poor posture may be why you have back pain. Find out how to fix your posture and eliminate your pain.

Most people experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Some develop the pain condition from an acute injury or spinal abnormality like scoliosis. However, many people develop back pain from poor posture.

How you carry your body when you sit or stand affects the distribution of your body weight. When your body is in the correct position (good posture), your weight is equally distributed, eliminating excess stress on any one part of your body.

If you slouch, keep your head bent in a forward position, or tilt your hips and pelvis forward when you stand, your weight distribution is uneven, causing too much stress on a single part of your body. If you have back or neck pain, fixing your posture may eliminate your discomfort. 

At Addison Pain + Regenerative Medicine in Addison, Texas, our pain management specialist, Dr. John East, wants to talk to you about your posture and how improving it can help you get long-term pain relief.

About posture

Posture refers to how you hold your body when you’re sitting or standing. 

Good posture relies a lot on the natural curves of your spine. Your spine curves in at your neck, out in your midback, and back in at your lower spine. The natural curve of your spine ensures equal distribution of weight throughout your body. 

Good posture when standing means your back is straight, your head and chin are up, your shoulders are relaxed, and your tummy is in. 

When sitting, keep your upper body straight with a chair that provides good lumbar support, knees bent with a three-finger gap between the edge of your chair and the back of your knee, and feet firmly on the ground.

Bad posture and back pain

Bad posture develops from poor habits — you slouch your shoulders when you stand or walk, you sit in chairs that don’t provide back support, and you keep your head bent down when you’re looking at your computer screen. These habits lead to back and neck pain.

Does your low back ache at the end of the day? Are you having neck pain and headaches after spending long periods of time working at your computer? Your symptoms are probably related to your posture.

Over time, your poor posture affects your spine support and the muscle strength in your back, wears down your joints, and speeds up age-related degenerative spine changes that lead to chronic pain.

Fixing your posture to eliminate back pain

Poor posture can lead to chronic back pain, but improving your posture now can improve your current aches and pains and prevent long-term problems.

Fixing your posture takes effort. You’ve developed poor habits that affect your posture and must make deliberate efforts to correct them. 

When standing or walking, pay attention to how you hold your body, making sure your head is up and your shoulders back. You also need to create a more ergonomic work environment that enhances comfort, efficiency, and safety. Get an adjustable chair with lumbar support and raise your computer screen so it’s at eye level. 

Stretching and strengthening the muscles that support your back also improves your posture. Throughout the day, take mini breaks to stretch your neck, shoulders, and lower back. We can provide simple exercises for you to do while you sit at your desk. 

Yoga and Pilates are great for stretching and strengthening these muscles too. We also recommend 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, swimming, or biking) five days a week to improve your overall body strength and conditioning.

If you want to fix your posture but you’re not sure where to start, let us help. We can evaluate your back and neck, review your daily routine, and provide a posture therapy plan just for you. 

Call our office today at 972-380-0000 or use the book online button to schedule an appointment.